Policy Simulator API v1alpha
ID: policysimulator:v1alpha
Name: policysimulator
Version: v1alpha
Preferred Version: No
Description: Policy Simulator is a collection of endpoints for creating, running, and viewing a [Replay][google.cloud.policysimulator.v1.Replay]. A `Replay` is a type of simulation that lets you see how your members' access to resources might change if you changed your IAM policy. During a `Replay`, Policy Simulator re-evaluates, or replays, past access attempts under both the current policy and your proposed policy, and compares those results to determine how your members' access might change under the proposed policy.
Documentation: https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/simulating-access
Discovery URL: https://policysimulator.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest?version=v1alpha